Friday, November 19, 2010


day 19.. an iced coke
nothing like it... the ideal coke experience takes place in at sonic ... with plenty of sonic ice included in its styrofoam masterpiece. if it is between the hours of 2-4pm.. even better.. half priced drinks.. thats what i call HAPPY HOUR!

there are many other uses for the cola flavored treat...
i made pulled pork last night for salads.. ( added coke to the crock pot)
gets rid of headaches.. ( ive had all week.. but not from the coke.. probably a faulty pillow)
I hear it cleans toilets.. but i havent tried that method.. why waste a good thing?

My Grandma Welch loved Coke too.. its a tradition I plan on carrying around for quite a while.
Just the smell reminds me of her.. as she got older she saw a neighbor outside and invited them in for a coke. the neighbor went in and grandma never did.. she got distracted pulling weeds.. she did get forgetful.. maybe she just didnt want to share..

the first drink of the day is always the best.. the cold fizz you can feel traveling down your whole body.. yum!

sometimes i dont share.. with the kids.. i am worried .. especially if they are eating... that a particle of thier food might enter my beverage... creating a contamination.. yuck...


debra said...

AHAHAHA this makes me laugh!!! Not sharing for fear contamination!! Ive never heard it can clean toilets... i would hate to waste a good coke, but im really curious if it works better then what im using ;) and reading this makes me really really want some fizzy goodness right about now!!!

Stef said...

Yes, Grandma and coke go hand in hand...JUst like Pepsi and Uncle Jay. Hahha. I am more of a Diet coka that fake sugar that will kill me.