Wednesday, March 30, 2011

you could call it going green

so we are down to one vehicle. blades' yellow bumblebee car is on the fritz, and he is working on it now in the garage as i sit here at type.. sipping my beverage of choice.. ( in a foam cup) as i was riding blades' bike to the park today for play date i couldnt help but think about all the good i am doing for the enviornment.. blades was using the truck in phoenix and i have been carless all week and last week too.. not that i had anywhere to go... but its weird not being able to go if i want to. back to the green-ness... i pedaled my rear to the park and patting myself on the back for my "green-ness".. while i was a missionary in Seattle um 12 years ago.. ya that makes me feel old.. we had pioneer days where we had to walk all day one day a month..... to appointments, to dinner.. everywhere.. to give those wonderful toyota corollas a break..and save the miles i suppose.. either way.. it was rainy.. cold and im pretty sure i didnt feel like a pioneer. i wonder how much energy I am wasting as i blog.. the light in the office is on.. the computer.. ?? i'd better go check on that mechanic in the garage.. ( im pretty sure this foam cup is not bio-degradable..) here's to going green...


Katidid said...

Aww Pioneer Day, so many great memories. It was that day that inspired Sister Binderiya, Sister North, and I to name our Car "Sacrifice."

Kathryn M. said...

You're so funny! I'm proud of you but I hope you have gotten the car fixed by now!