Sunday, September 25, 2011

who knew???

Saturday, we found ourselves at our local Sports Chalet.. I frequent the shopping center the store is in atleast weekly, but have never stepped foot in the store until Saturday.
Camden was in need of a yellow belt, socks, some grey baseball pants and a cup.. yes a cup for a 7 year olds. I didnt even know that was an option. Can they get hurt down there this young?
A few days before, after his first practice, I told him the stuff we needed to get. A cup he asked?
yes... your dad can tell you about that... but he was in the car behind us, and the anticipation of the mystery cup had to be explained.... both boys thought it was funny.
We are in the store searching for supports and barriers, when of course like any male subject chooses the biggest one. Blades and I got a kick out of it... we laughed, then looked at the other options. There was pee-wee too... but we got a step above that... they fit inside little undies that came in a package together.
The coach already warned us, that in baseball they will sit out in the field and mess with that area the whole time.. its just the game he said... great.. look what i get to look at... my kid adjusting himself.. that should make any mother proud right?

This baseball thing is new to us. Three practices next week.... when we signed him up, the lady said they didnt have a team mom yet ... hint hint... I didnt volunteer.. Its all too new to me.. Let me see how this works before I just in head first...

who knew 7 year olds needed cups...


debra said...

Before I got through the post, I was about to comment and say... the whole team will be knocking on their cups through the whole game!! Glad the coach warned you, its true...they do!!! :) team mom sucks.. just offer snacks instead :)

Katidid said...

LOL, thanks for passing on this vital information, but I'm glad mason has a few years before he is playing baseball/wearing a cup. :) Good LUCK! I'm sure Camden is going to Love every minute of it. :)

Unknown said...

LOL! This is hysterical Cori! I'm so glad I know now and I won't be a deer in the headlights when it's Nathans time!