Thursday, June 23, 2011

a lesson in life

a few months ago, a momma bird made a nest in our flood lights in the backyard.. the wind came and off the nest went.. we found the remains of the broken egg, and nest parts all over our back patio when we came back from las vegas...

fast forward a few more weeks, and another bird ( had to be the same one.. and not a very smart one) made another nest in the same spot..

she would sit on the egg for weeks.. and last week we found an empty shell.. a nicer sign than the previous egg splatter. she has been dodging water gun squirts from the boys since the pool is right there. When we sit out there and turn on the fan, the flood lights come on too. I didnt figure the baby bird would survive.. the heat from az, and then the heat from a flood light inches away from the nest.

so i suppose there is a baby bird in the nest. we are waiting to hear the chirps, but all we can see is the momma sitting on the nest.. hovering over her pride and joy..

its been fun to watch this momma bird take such good care of her baby/babies...

so today we went to my cousins insurance office, and at first we were just sitting in the car, but i figured we would go in and say hello... on our way in, the boys spotted a baby bird hobbling along.. probably just a few days from leaving a nest. ( i really dont know much about birds im guessing here)... we admired the cute little thing, and in we went to say our hellos. The boys made their way back outside to investigate the bird. In comes Camden yelling " Case killed the bird".. he stomped on it.. Isnt that the saddest thing you have ever heard.. Did he think it was a large bug ?...( thats what makes me feel the best)
we went back to the car, walking past the poor little thing whose mom will probably be looking for it soon... we had a little life lesson on how we dont hurt God's creatures. I think Case felt bad... he was peeking through some binoculars that were in the car.. searching for his next victim?, or trying to ignore the constant.. "Case why'd you kill that bird" from his brother..

our little suspect is in his little nest in his room taking a nap as i type this..
life lessons are hard sometimes..


Liz said...

Oh no! That's sad, and yes we will choose to believe he thought it was a large bug. You know lifes lessons scan be hard. Years ago when Ralee was 4 and we lived in Mesa she caught a crippled bird. It was a parakeet that got out of his cage or somebody turned it loose. Well we(ME, MYSELF, and I) managed to save the bird. We got a cage and shortly after moved to Queen Creek. One afternoon RaLee and I were napping together when I woke up before her and found a trail of feathers, bright blue and green, all over the house... Crystal's cat had gotten "Tweety" out of the cage and ate him under the dining room table! Oh my gosh I didn't know what to tell little Ralee. She was so sad and so very angry and Crystals cat. Then the cat went outside a few months later and was promptly scooped up by a Hawk! Now was that ironic or what? Yes lifes lessons can be so hard.

debra said...

This story is still sooo hilarious to me!! Definitely one for the memory books!! I love how he his behind binoculars!! :) Lets hope that Case doesnt get scooped up by a hawk the way Crystals cat did ;)