Thursday, January 27, 2011

celebrate with chocolate

It's officially national chocolate day... i heard the good word from my cousin who is also a blogger.. To celebrate we were to make a chocolate cake.. and have a linky party...

Well it happened to be Case's preschool bring a cupcake to school day.. for his Birthday.. so here's a picture. While it's not the most fancy chocolate cake.. it does the trick!

I'm trying to link this to hers.. we will see how it goes!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

the rest of Christmas

So we made cookies.. got in their new jammies and opened one present.. its a tradition.. the rest is all pictures from Christmas morning. They were up at the crack o dawn.. and the sun wasnt even out yet.. but we had a wonderful day!

The boys in thier new jammies

opening one gift on Christmas eve

Rise.. and shine!! Santa had come

another traditional picture... in all of the wrapping

the day was so nice we went to the park.. and flew a kite.. and played

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dr. Droid

Dear Dell Desktop,

We used to have alot of fun together. All those late nights checking facebook updates, stalking blogs together and an occasional email... all have seemed to be lacking lately. Hours of wasting web surfing...
Maybe it's because the Fedex man brought me a droid with a data plan last week..

I know... i know.. it doesnt have a full keyboard or huge screen that collects dust, but Dr.Droid is doing it for me now. It has tons of pointless app's.... some good ones like Yahtzee.. which has taken alot of my free time away from you.

I will continue to check back on occasion, but the convenience of the internet at my fingertips has made me rely more on Dr. Droid. Please don't crash on me. I have lot's of pictures that you are holding dearly in your tower.. ( which are backed up just in case)

Peace out!

ps.. just a side note.. 66 meals will be made out of my kitchen tomorrow.. Meals for the month with two friends.. 22 meals a piece.. the madness will start in the morning.. I really need to get my kitchen together and my freezer cleared out for all those lucious meals!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

my kid can read

Camden is starting to read and it is so fun. I get so excited when he picks out a new word and sounds it out.. He is learning so much in Kindergarten. They teach them the sounds of each word.. not just sight words.. so he will be able to sound out any word or combo of sounds.. what a great idea.. he gets super excited when he finds a new word too.
Tonight we read about Star Wars in a book that he got for Christmas.
I feel like he is growing up so fast. He's reading and next week he has his first spelling test.
If he is growing fast that means I am getting older too!

Case has always had a hard time saying "camden".. it sounds like "tao-oh".. wierd I know.. so we were working on it this morning. He got excited when it sounded more like Camden. Since I was gone this weekend I swear he talks more grown up now.

We are having a late night tonight since they both took naps earlier. They are watching Toy Story 2... what a clever movie. I wish our toys would come alive when we arent looking and clean themselves up :)

Im trying to get back into the groove of things around here. The house was spotless when I came home and its not anymore. and I am OK with that.

Blades ordered us new cell phones with internet plans and we are excited.. blog checking,, FB updates all from our phones.. What will we do?? you may never hear from us again unless it is accessible via our new toys..

Monday, January 10, 2011

bloggin from afar

I'm at my dad's blogging from the house we spent alot of time at growing up.
I've had a wonderful time here in Vegas this weekend.
Camie's shower was fun. to see old friends there was nice.
we-... ( i keep saying we.. like I brought someone with me) have had a great time just "kid-free" time to just spend with my dad, Pat and her kids. We played skip-bo last night and ate some yummy meatloaf..
I called Amorette to see if she wanted to atleast get together to say hi..
back in the day when we used to attend church together as kids.. if I said the prayer in church I would always make sure that I blessed us to keep the sabbath day holy ( by not buying or going anywhere on Sundays)... It was my signal to her that we had after church lunch plans... at Bro. McDonalds.. or Sister Wendy's ( the food places)... she would get so mad at me cause her family was much more obedient about Sundays...
When i called her last night she said she had said the prayer and included those famous words about the Sabbath Day... so we were "covered"..
we ended up at Macayo's... although it wasnt the location we always used to go to.. its almost like we were cheating on our other one.. but none the less.. the chips and salsa.. and a classic TCT ( tortilla cheese tortilla) kept us busy for an hour of visiting. It brought back lots of memories. we used to go there as teenagers and just order a drink and eat chips and salsa... sometimes even 10 of sure they have some policy now when they see teenagers approaching their restraunt with no wallets or purses nearby.
This trip has been wierd without the rest of my family. Blades has been playing Mr Mom this weekend. He had a list of things to do with the kids that they came up with... a picnic.. a hike.. baking cookies.. watching movies.. bike rides..
When we are at my dads usually with the kids they are constantly outside.. jumping on the trampoline.. playing the wii... watching movies.. it has been so QUIET...
I am anxious to see them tonight when I fly back home. Don't they say absence makes the heart grow fonder...
In a minute Im heading to Camies house so she can cut my hair.. last trip we ran out of time.. busy with that darling Kiptyn...
Ive enjoyed being here with my dad.. watching TV together..baking him his favorite cookies... just having lots of great time together. What is it about getting old ( me) that makes you love those moments even more with my family... and friends...
I'm glad i have a hubby who let me come this weekend for the baby shower and to spend time with my family ( minus the hubby and kids) Maybe it was the cheap flight... or just that I have a great husband who says.. "why do you even ask me.. you know you are going to go anyway"..
I guess i have a strong personality or something.. i do ask him... and he was nice to say yes.. ( although i already knew the answer)
Thanks Blades.. youre the best!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

We'll start with...

Pre-Holiday fun.....Two handsome boys..... ready for church

Christmas Eve in their jammies

making Santa some cookies Christmas Eve

cactus.. the Arizona Christmas tree

Christmas Eve was a busy one... We had a wonderful week before of Camie, Neil and her mom here. We shared a big dinner a few days before they headed home... I can't tell you how much fun it was having them here. We shared in their new joy.. Kiptyn... talk about a great gift..
I was so excited to be a part of this adoption.. It made my heart happy. I couldnt help but think of Kyndal and that they were probably with eachother days before he was born... We snuggled him for a few days.. and he had his first sleepover at my house.. ( since they were staying here)
It was wonderful to be a part of. And I would do it all over again TOMORROW if I could!

Kiptyn and me... Aunt Cori

the proudest momma around.. Camie and Kiptyn.. Her hubby Neil is proud too.. I just don't have a picture with him in it.. sorry Neil..

Case's creation from preschool.. He was so excited and proud of it.
We went to see Kyndal's grave on Christmas eve also. These pictures were from a few weeks before Christmas.. We decorated her tree..

A few weeks before we made our traditional gingerbread house. It's always fun times.

The finished product.. and two happy cheesy boys..

We had a wonderful Christmas season. More pictures of the actual day.. but here were a few from our preChristmas... We are truly blessed.. with wonderful family and friends. We missed spending it with family, but love the traditions we are making with our little family.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

just a peek

We spent some of Christmas day at the park.. no jackets.. new toys.. and Caser pickin his nose..
I'm working on uploading and figuring out what I want to blog about first....

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Here's to a New Year!

I explained to Camden that now it was 2011 and January.. they are learning calendar items at school, so he seemed interested..

Blades has today off.. we want to go do something but cant figure out anything???
walmart run it is. maybe we will think of something fun on the way.. it's too cold to go do anything outside...

Last night we yelled Happy New Year to eachother from opposite rooms. Blades was playing video games, and I was watching tv about to doze off in our bedroom... Talk about romantic...i did get a kiss ten minutes before midnight.. does that count?
we went to a friends house earlier in the evening and played cards and ate junk. had fun

Case will be a Sunbeam at church tomorrow.. no more nursery for the overgrown toddler... He is excited and sings the song quite often. Camden will get a new teacher too..
We will get new kids tomorrow too in nursery.. I think they did some switching around.

1-1-11.. thats fun to type.. it feels lucky.. should i buy a lotto ticket? I think i might!
Happy New Year