Monday, July 19, 2010

Giving my kids the BOOT

Boot camp that is.. Behavior Boot Camp...
Here's my thinking... if we could get this one problem solved.. our lives would be so much easier.. kids forget how.. or they choose not to and I'm DONE!
So today was the first day of our boot Camp.. so far so good.. They are sitting in timeouts if they choose not to listen and TV gets taken away for hours at a time. ( I feel more punished than them)
Our trip to Walmart was successful.. more than normal. They had to stay right by my cart.. and they could look at the toys if they were good. They got their reward.
Outings, church and everyday living would be a success if we could just get them to listen and respect what we are asking them..
Maybe its Grandma Detox.. all that spoiling and fun...but our "camping" has begun.

Camden at church invited his friends over for a party ( I had no clue he did this ) A waterballoon party... He invited those that knew where we lived.. One girl wasnt sure and he said.. " just have your mom call mine".. too funny Camden. He must take after his Mom.. I love to throw parties and have people over..
So Wednesday is our waterballoon party thanks to Camden and his hosting.. This is our bribe for the next few days...

Girls camp wasnt this hard :)


What I Did Today said...

Good luck! Discipline certainly isn't something I enjoy, but I know it's good for everyone involved. :)

Lyndsay Winters said...

That's so funny! He really was inviting all his friends to his water baloon party. I thought it was a planned event. Silly me. Good luck Sargent Cori!

diane said...

I hope boot camp is a success! Mine are still working on it. It's a good thing you guys left when you did Sunday night - you missed me becoming Crazy Mom when Ephraim started backtalking and yelling at me. Ugh.

Unknown said...

Hey Cori - It's been to long since I've seen you! I had to pop on your blog to see how your doing and true to form you've made me laugh again! Good luck with the boot camp, I might be signing up for the same program very soon. :( I am seriously tired of listening to negotiating and excuses from a 3 year old!