So a few posts ago, I mentioned Camden and his lost blankie. Grandma made him a new one and he has loved it. Tonight, I came in the office to fix the antique suitcases that sit in here, cause they were out of place, and Cases' blanket was in there. I thought this is wierd.. I pulled his out, and sure enough.. there is Camdens. Case was the culprit.. Its been missing for probably a month. I thought it had gotten thrown away, or left somewhere. Camden had been asleep for about an hour when I found it, so I had to go in there and show him, I was so excited. It took him a minute to realize what it was, but he had a huge smile on his face.." my blankie"...
Case of the missing blanket SOLVED.. thanks to Case :)
( shouldnt the law and order song be playing)
Saturday was the ward party at the park which included a bike parade and a slip and slide. After about an hour and a half of being there, Camden came to me crying saying someone tripped over him. I just gave him a little hug, and he was on his way. Some friends took him home, so Blades and I could finish cleaning up, and when we went to pick him up, he had an icepack on his arm.. and was really complaining about it. Camden doesnt complain much, so we all figured it was something more than just someone tripping on him.
Saturday and Sunday we made sure he had a good dose of Tylenol and iced it. He kept holding it into his body and favoring the other arm. My cousin Guy is a Physical Therapist in Chandler, so we called him. He said to bring him in on Monday morning. After looking at him for a few minutes, he found what it was.. a broken clavicle.. (collarbone)..
Poor kid.. and the real stinker is there is nothing that can be done for it. I got him a sling, and it will take a few weeks to a month..for it to heal. He is supposed to be careful with it, and no jumping and swimming. ( doesnt that sound like something Camden will remember)It looks like we will be taking it easy here at our place for a while. Swimming was our fun thing to do in this 113 heat, but we can just get in the bath or something instead.
I took a cute picture of him, and will post later.