Tuesday, May 25, 2010

oh you just wait !

So I have had 1700 pictures on my camera that I wanted to make sure were backed up before I deleted them off my camera. Everything from North Carolina last year, Kyndal, Christmas, Easter, and everyday stuff on there. Blades got me a external hard drive and now all the pictures are saved! Now I can delete the camera ones, and actually download quicker.. imagine that. So I can get back to blogging with pictures! So just wait.. they are coming!

But for now we have been up to:
-enjoying Spring.. I had the windows open for almost 3 days without turning on the AC.
-Camden has learned to skateboard. He catches on quickly, although it still makes me nervous!
-Case counts 1,2,3,6,8,18 and loves to play hide and seek
-Camden made his own bowl of ceral today.. while we layed in bed
-We bought plane tickets to go see my mom in Wyoming in June. Even Blades gets to come!
-I am getting ready for girls camp
-got in the hot tub tonight
That is about all in our world.. pictures to come soon I promise

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